Men Helping Men Become Better Men
Men Helping Men Become Better Men
Men Helping Men Become Better Men
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Caring and Connecting during Crisis

I’m delaying the post I planned as a follow-up to the last series about The Biggest Challenges Men Face for a special post during the growing concerns about the coronavirus pandemic. This post includes a reminder to not be anxious or fearful but trust in God’s plans. I also include some examples of how we should care for each other when things are outside of our control. I will return soon with more about what I believe is the toughest of all the challenges for men but thought the current situation deserves a higher priority. First, some encouragement and then examples from this past week. Responding to Fear with Wisdom and Faith This morning, I listened to a very good podcast from FamilyLife Today that contained several Bible verses and quotes about how we can respond given the COVID-19 fears: I thought two specifically contained wisdom that is pertinent today:

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The Biggest Challenges Men Face: Resisting Temptations

Another post in this series about the biggest challenges men face is about the third of the categories I believe cover all the issues of men face today: Resisting Temptations.  In the first category, Managing Work-Life Balance, I stated that many men struggle with their work responsibilities more than women due to their sense of pride in their accomplishments.    In the second post, Reordering Priorities, I asked: Do your priorities align with how God would want you to have as priorities? Again, pride causes us to put our own priorities ahead of everything else. This third category, Resisting Temptations, is going to become a set of additional posts just for itself. It is that critical! Battling Temptations In his book, Temptations Men Face, author Tom Eisenman provides straightforward advice about a man’s struggle with power, money, affairs, perfectionism, and insensitivity. The chapters in his book include these topics:  The

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The Biggest Challenges Men Face: Reordering Priorities

In this series about what I believe are the biggest challenges for most men today, I indicated that all challenges and problems come from our pride. I also suggested that the multitude of issues and challenges generally fall into these three categories: Managing Work-Life Balance Reordering Priorities Resisting Temptations So while your deep and serious struggles with any issue may require professional help or counseling, I believe that simply joining a support group or confessing your struggles to your close, authentic friends –what I call God Buddies, will also help in your battle.  In the first post of the series on Managing Work-Life Balance, I stated that particular challenge was not necessarily unique to men but that we generally are defined more by our work-related accomplishments and job titles than our female counterparts.  The next category is Reordering our Priorities, which is also hard for guys. Let’s first start with

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