Men Helping Men Become Better Men
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Man’s Toughest Challenge: Maintaining Sexual Purity

After a 3-week sidebar about managing through the current COVID-19 pandemic, I return to my planned follow-up to the series on The Biggest Challenges Men Face. In my last post about Isolation and Temptations During Crisis, I alluded to it but I feel the challenge of Maintaining Sexual Purity deserves its own post. In fact, it needs a series of posts. Although our biggest challenges can be grouped into three categories: Managing Work-Life Balance, Reordering Priorities, and Resisting Temptations, resisting the temptation in order to maintain sexual purity is probably the toughest of them all for men! It’s Every Man’s Battle Several years ago, I read a book called Every Man’s Battle: Winning the War on Sexual Temptation One Victory at a Time by Stephen Arterburn and Fred Stoeker. The book was widely praised for its man-to-man tone and practical advice about what many men grappled with— lust, unchecked sexual

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Isolation and Temptations during Crisis

During this coronavirus pandemic, I attempted to encourage you with two posts: Caring and Connecting during Crisis and Pray to Find Peace during Crisis.  But now, I must provide a warning.  No, it is not another message about the need to wash your hands more or why you must practice social distancing to minimize the spread of the coronavirus. This is a warning about giving in to the temptations that can come from being isolated and alone. Distancing; not Isolation and Separation Due to the COVID-19 virus, so many of us are working from home, staying away from family and neighbors, and distancing ourselves to help “flatten the curve”. We’re missing the fellowship of our social gatherings and small groups. We aren’t getting the weekly encouragement in live worship services. We are missing the promises in God’s Word about the forgiveness of our sins and the sharing of Communion.  However,

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Pray to Find Peace during Crisis

In my last post Caring and Connecting during Crisis, I wrote about making sure we look after others during the coronavirus pandemic. It’s been amazing to hear the stories (and experience personally!) so many people who were just reaching out to check in on their circle of friends and family. For many, fear and anxiety build during the unknown. I personally find comfort in God’s promise that “in all things, God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28) So while there are valid reasons for concern about the spread of COVID-19, there are even greater reasons to remain faithful in prayer to find peace…as hard as that may be right now. When faced with fear during uncertain times, turning those fears over to God is a good place to start. James 5:16 says, “The prayer of a righteous

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