Men Helping Men Become Better Men
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Men Helping Men Become Better Men
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Why Do We Sexualize Friendships?

In this series about man’s battle to maintain sexual purity, I indicated that men and women can, in fact, have legitimate friendships but we must proceed with caution and keep proper boundaries. My previous posts gave some practical tips about how we can change the behaviors that reinforce lustful desires. I also suggested that we really needed a “heart transformation” though, in order to overcome any unhealthy sexual desires.  So despite God’s original design for sex within the pleasures of marriage, today’s hypersexualized world makes developing friendships with the opposite sex, and at times even with the same sex, extra difficult. Anyone who is drawn to somebody in an emotionally-connected way or when we show any kind of physical intention, it is often viewed as having sexual intent. This is especially true for male friendships, where physical intimacy such as “bro-hugging” or conveying affectionate words, is often misunderstood.  So how did

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Can Men and Women Be Friends?

My last post on man’s battle for sexual purity provided some practical tips to help change our lustful behavior by learning to bounce our eyes, starving our mind, and protecting our hearts. I also suggested that what we really needed was a “heart transformation” in order to avoid sexual sin.  Now, I want to follow-up with some biblical foundation about our sexual desires and provide a new starting point to help all of our relationships with women, whether sexually with our wife, or relationally with our co-workers, friends, and neighbors.  First, it is important to understand that men and women are wired very differently. God did this on purpose—it’s part of His grand design and plan.  God’s Design for Sexual Pleasure Through the act of creating male and then female “in His own image”, God created human sexuality. The fact that we’re of the same species, but of different genders,

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Winning the Battle for Sexual Purity

In my last post, I stated the toughest of all the challenges men face is the battle for their sexual purity. In fact, it’s Every Man’s Battle and the reason why authors Stephen Arterburn and Fred Stoeker sold so many books on the subject. I also described a weekend-long retreat for our church’s men’s group that I conducted about man’s battle for sexual purity based on 5 sessions: Where We Are? Distinguishing between addictive sexual behaviors, a stronger than normal sexual appetite, and God’s standard for our sexuality. How We Got Here. Reasons for the pervasiveness of sexual impurity today, understanding our natural desires as a male, and why we must rise above sinning through those natural tendencies.  Choosing Victory. Biblical foundations for following God’s definitions for masculinity and sexual purity. Time to Fight. Understanding how Satan uses his greatest weapon of deception in the war for our purity and what

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