Men Helping Men Become Better Men
Men Helping Men Become Better Men
Men Helping Men Become Better Men
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Learning to “Take Care of Your Sh*t”

Men often talk about “man rules” and the things that we need to do in order to hold onto our proverbial “man cards”. The problem is that many men are bad at taking care of themselves and owning their responsibilities. Some guys call it “taking care of your ‘shit’ ”. What usually follows that type of statement is a list of “manly men doing manly things” like basic grooming skills, knowing how to give a proper handshake, how to treat a woman, dressing properly (including tying a necktie when appropriate) for any occasion, and being able to carry on a coherent conversation. It also means having some basic “man-skills” such as knowing how to swing a hammer and use power tools, being able to fix (or at least maintain) your own car, being able to unclog a toilet, play poker, cook a steak, and manage your own finances and schedule

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Men and Their Emotions: Summary

This series about how men need to manage their emotions has taught me a lot about what keeps us from becoming godly men. While I found experts who describe the psychological (affecting the functions of our mind) and physiological (affecting the functions of our body) standpoints of our emotions, I do know this: everyone is impacted by their emotions differently and everyone manages their emotions differently. But I still believe you can lean on your God Buddy to work through the basic levels of emotions to help you become more like Jesus Christ. Let me briefly recap the posts to show what I mean.  Men and Their Emotions During the introduction to this series, I wrote that emotions are biological reactions and a state of mind that derive from our circumstances, mood, or relationships with others. I found numerous theories on the number of emotions we have but listed 8 that

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Men and Their Emotions: Boredom

As I begin to conclude this series about how a man manages his emotions, I’m realizing that Boredom is possibly the most controllable and manageable. When men are bored, we often get ourselves into trouble, which diverts us from pursuing our primary goal of becoming more like Jesus Christ. As I researched for this post, I was reminded of two truths: one biblical and one from a famous theologian and philosopher.  The first truth comes from the Bible. After creating the earth and then creating Adam, God then gave him Eve to provide some much-needed accountability. “The LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. (Genesis 2:18) because God knew humanity would make bad decisions.  The second truth comes from Søren Kierkegaard (1813 – 1855), the Danish philosopher, theologian, poet, social critic, religious author, and existentialist philosopher who argued that this impulse to escape the

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