Men Helping Men Become Better Men
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A Godly Man Leads His Family

In my last two posts, Should She Be Your “Best” Friend? and All Men Need “Helpers”, I made the case that man needs to be in a relationship of mutual servanthood with his wife so they can follow God’s command to be fruitful and multiply. But this mutuality leaves open the question: Who should be the leader of the family? And what does that leadership look like? So in this post, I’m going to outline the biblical command that a man should lead his family. I will then describe what it looks like for a man to lead in the next post or two. To be brutally frank, there are a lot of men with no concept or understanding of their God-given role as leaders. They have succumbed to the sin of passivity. This series is mostly to inform those who are yet to be married or are newly married.

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Should She Be Your “Best” Friend?

In my previous post, All Men Need “Helpers”, I wrote that men must recognize when they need help. I unpacked a biblical truth that God determined that man should not be alone (Genesis 2:18) and created Eve as Ezer kenegdô” (Hebrew for “a helper suitable for him”). God then gave the couple the commandment to be fruitful and multiply in a relationship that helps and serves each other. But does a relationship of mutual servanthood also mean your wife (or any woman if you are single) should become your “best friend”?  Who is Your Best Friend? Answering this question is always tricky for men, especially if you are married. The rules of society today often cause men to answer it with, “Of course, my spouse is my best friend”. To answer otherwise, could imply some unhappiness with the quality of your marriage.  But is that the proper answer?  It seems

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All Men Need “Helpers”

In my last post, I indicated that many guys are bad at taking care of “their sh*t” and owning up to their responsibilities. This goes beyond having the basic “man-skills” or “manning up” to go it alone. It means recognizing when we need help. But can a woman be a man’s “helper” and supporter? Look, I’m a big fan of guys having male friendships but we also need strong women in our lives. As wives, as close friends, and as family. Before anyone gets bent out of shape by my use of the term, “helper”, let me define the term since it is often misconstrued, misstated, and far from biblical truth.  The Biblical Truth: Man Needs Help There are many people who believe and incorrectly teach that the term “helper” used for the first created woman suggests an idea of “employee” or a “servant” or a “domestic helper” or that the

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