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MANual Lessons from the Other Six Minor Prophets

My year-long journey through my NIV Bible for Men called The MANual, continues with the remaining six minor prophets that finish the Old Testament. The preceding post about The First Six Minor Prophets covered Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, and Micah of the period 700 B.C. and earlier. The other six prophets: Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi came after 700 B.C. and are just as important.   As you learned in the Introduction to The Minor Prophets, the twelve each have short, separate books in the Christian Bible, whereas, the Jewish Tanakh (the Hebrew Bible) contains one longer collection of prophets called the Nevi’im. As I’ve suggested in the prior posts, read these books looking for the messages about the coming kingdom in the person of Jesus Christ and seeing how the prophecies apply to us today.  Here are briefs on these other six prophets.  Nahum The Book

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Play Offense (not just defense) against Sexual Temptation

My apologies for the mistimed emails of new posts this week. As I move into a new rhythm with posts on additional God Buddy topics (alongside my journey with lessons from The MANual, my NIV Bible for Men), I’ve struggled a bit with the technology. However, I think I figured out what happened so I thank you for the grace and understanding! This week’s end-of-the-week post comes from a friend of mine, Kent Evans of Manhood Journey and Father On Purpose. In his post, “Sexual purity: three ways to play offense, not just defense“, Kent provides 3 “plays” that help us be on the offensive, rather than just playing defense, against our temptations: God’s Word Prayer Positive Hobbies I really like Kent’s reminder of the old saying, “Idle hands are the devil’s workshop.” That saying suggests being on the defensive about technology, boundaries, internet filters, and friend choices. However, Kent says we

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MANual Lessons from the First Six Minor Prophets

In the last post with an Introduction to The Minor Prophets, we learned there twelve prophets each separated into short books in the Christian Bible, whereas, the Tanakh (the Hebrew Bible) has a single, longer collection about prophets called the Nevi’im (the Book of Twelve).  In this post, I will cover “The First Six Minor Prophets (700 B.C. and Earlier)” which includes Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, and Micah. The next post covers the other six minor prophets and their books which complete the Old Testament.  As suggested in other posts, let’s view the repetitive message of the prophets from a different angle. As you read the brief summaries of each in the next couple of posts, look for their message of the coming kingdom through the person of Jesus Christ, and how it applies to us today.  Here are the first six minor prophets, as grouped in The MANual,

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