Below are links to all the posts in my year-long journey through my NIV Bible for Men called The MANual. Each post includes lessons based on each book (or group of books) of the Bible. These are written specifically for men, but many of the lessons certainly apply to women as well.
You can use these posts as a Bible reading plan or devotional book with some friends. Accountability to a group who read together will help you preserve and learn how to pursue God’s good life.
My prayer is I can encourage you to take the same journey and learn your Bible better at some point in your life. My belief is that godly men know their Bible well become better husbands, fathers, friends, and men.

You can also find out more about how to develop deeper, more authentic friendships in my book, Get Out of Your Man Cave: The Crisis of Male Friendship.
Each chapter includes “Personal Reflection Questions” along with some “Group Study Questions” in the Appendix that you can use to lead a group of men through the book.
You can buy a copy as an eBook or printed copy at these links on Amazon. You can also pre-order bulk copies for your small group by contacting me directly at this link.