Category: Wisdom for Men

A Godly Man’s Guide to Mother’s Day

This past weekend was Mother’s Day in the United States. For me, it is a day with some sadness since my mother passed away in 2017. For others, it’s a complicated and confusing day about how to celebrate mothers. Most of us will honor the mother of our children. Some may give a card to their child’s mother even if they are no longer married. Some will mess the day up completely and not celebrate it saying, “Well, you’re not my mother”. Hopefully, many will also celebrate their mother-in-law. But what do you say if the day is a painful reminder of a miscarriage or infertility?  Here’s some background on Mother’s Day and a few suggestions for celebrating mothers of all types. Feel free to weigh in via the comments if I’ve gone “off the road” or if you disagree. You can also provide some additional suggestions.  The Origins of

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Why So Serious? Learn to Laugh at Yourself

Some people take themselves way too seriously. I know at times, I do. However, I’ve learned that having a healthy sense of humor, even laughing at yourself on occasion, can lead to a more balanced and joyful life.  I was reminded of this principle recently after seeing an internet meme based on a famous line from the movie The Dark Knight released in 2008. The line, “Why so serious?” comes from Heath Ledger’s performance as the villainous Joker. In Ledger’s most powerful scene of the movie, the Joker describes the physical and emotional scars inflicted by his father, which gives viewers insight into why The Joker was so deranged. The movie was a huge success but sadly gained extra attention after Ledger’s tragic death before the movie’s premiere. As I wrote in my previous post, Understanding Your Past Shapes Your Future, every man should address the significant wounds of his

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Understanding Your Past Shapes Your Future

A recent podcast on one of my favorite websites, the Art of Manliness, reminded me of an exercise every guy should do at some point in his life. In fact, you should do it sooner rather than later. The exercise is called a life review, which will help you reflect on your past to understand who you have become and who you want to be in the future. This reflective exercise will help you become the best version of a mature adult man.   The AoM podcast, How Doing a Life Review Can Help You Understand Your Past, Present, and Future features William Damon, a Stanford psychologist who studies adult development and purpose. Damon is also the author of A Round of Golf With My Father: The New Psychology of Exploring Your Past to Make Peace With Your Present. He suggests doing this exercise at any age will help you

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