Category: Wisdom for Men

The “True Freedom” of Independence Day

This week on July 4th, the United States commemorates our freedom from British rule. Properly known as Independence Day, it celebrates the liberties of the American identity. We celebrate our freedom of speech and religion. Our people celebrate equality and independence from oppression. We have the right to pursue happiness and shape our destiny. Many celebrate the holiday with apple pie, explosions in the sky, baseball games, and BBQs. Even though it is not a religious holiday like Christmas or Easter, July 4th is a time that many also reflect on God’s goodness to us as a nation and the freedom we have in Jesus Christ. July 4th is also the anniversary of my mother’s passing in 2017 when she gained her ultimate and true freedom in Heaven.  Reflecting on Freedom and Independence Other nations were founded on the basis of a common ancestry, geographic boundaries, or by the power of

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Finding Oneness (Not Sameness) in Marriage

First, my apology for this longer-than-normal Wisdom for Men post. This one intends to dispel the notion that marriage is in decline. It also encourages you to find “oneness” in your marriage but also show how oneness can apply to all of your relationships. Recently, my wife and I recently celebrated our 41st wedding anniversary, which reminded me of a saying related to marriage and —sadly, oftentimes divorce. It goes like this: “Over time, some spouses can become so similar that one of them is no longer necessary.” Now, I’d like to believe the comment was said “tongue-in-cheek” since it takes “two to tango” as the saying goes. However, I believe that marriage –or any relationship for that matter, is at its best when it finds “oneness” rather than a “sameness” that males it seem like one of you is unnecessary.   Dispelling the Myths about Marriage Contrary to popular

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June is Men’s Health Awareness Month

My last post for Father’s Day indicated that June is also National Fathers Awareness Month which emphasizes the importance of fatherhood. It’s also National Men’s Health Month, which highlights the importance of male physical and mental health. While Pride Month and Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October receive most of the media attention, men’s health is equally important because it impacts how well a man shows up as a father, husband, and friend. In my opinion, having healthier, well-balanced men benefits everyone. An Epidemic of Male Health Studies show there is a growing concern about the overall health of men. According to the CDC, men die 5.8 years earlier than women as the average life expectancy of females in 2021 was 79.3 years and just 73.5 years for males. Some experts refer to as a “silent epidemic” due to the lack of public awareness and policy debate of the health

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