Category: Wisdom for Men

Why Do Guys Tease Each Other?

Over the years, I’ve noticed an odd behavior mainly among men: it’s the not-so-fine art of “guy teasing.” You’ve heard it many time and may not have noticed. It shows as an off-the-cuff comment like “Hey, nice three-putt” when one of your buddies misses a short, easy putt. You may also hear “Did you get that shirt at the thrift store?” when a guy wears something very fashionable. Yet another example is “Just put on your big-boy pants and deal with it!” intended to help a friend after a personal setback or criticism. In one sense, men simply use words to engage in this playful, yet weird form of communicating. But on the other hand, where is the line between male bonding and bullying? “Genderally” Speaking During many of my talks on male friendship, I often speak in “genderalities” which is defined as “a statement or principle having very general,

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United in Love, Divided by Hate

I feel compelled to write about the importance of unity and accountability in light of this past weekend’s assassination attempt of former President, Donald Trump. This post is not about my stance on one side or the other of the political aisle. It is not to state a position on gun ownership or spreading conspiracy theories. It is about reminding us that mature men must unite in love rather than being divided by hate. Men need deeper, more authentic friendships who hold each other accountable to avoid hateful speech, divisive positions, and actions that cause abuse, bullying, and isolation. We also need our churches to demonstrate love and not base their entirety on politics. We need to engage in fruitful conversation that are united in love; not divided by hate. The Divided States of America Even prior to this past weekend’s events, many people feel that the United States was

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Living in a World with No Religion

My wife and I just returned from a vacation in Europe along the Danube River. From early on, we were convicted by how little we knew about the history of the region prior to the 1900s. The trip was amazing but also left me wondering: Is religion still relevant in the world?   Our river cruise started in Budapest, Hungary and traveled up the Danube to Nuremburg, Germany, followed by two days in the city of Prague in the Czech Republic. We learned about the periods of nobility and the Holy Roman Empire (the HRE ran from from 962 to 1806 and is much different than the western Roman Empire… just Google it!). The architecture was beautiful including various churches, castles, and palaces full of statues and ancient relics. We saw Jewish heritage locations, including historic synagogues and heard of concentration camps used during the war. Our guides spoke of

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