Category: Wisdom for Men

Play Offense (not just defense) against Sexual Temptation

My apologies for the mistimed emails of new posts this week. As I move into a new rhythm with posts on additional God Buddy topics (alongside my journey with lessons from The MANual, my NIV Bible for Men), I’ve struggled a bit with the technology. However, I think I figured out what happened so I thank you for the grace and understanding! This week’s end-of-the-week post comes from a friend of mine, Kent Evans of Manhood Journey and Father On Purpose. In his post, “Sexual purity: three ways to play offense, not just defense“, Kent provides 3 “plays” that help us be on the offensive, rather than just playing defense, against our temptations: God’s Word Prayer Positive Hobbies I really like Kent’s reminder of the old saying, “Idle hands are the devil’s workshop.” That saying suggests being on the defensive about technology, boundaries, internet filters, and friend choices. However, Kent says we

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Be Intentional About Your Legacy

During this second half of my year-long journey of lessons from The MANual, I’m including some occasional posts on God Buddy-related topics. This week’s post comes from the National Center for Fathering which helps us think more deeply about leaving a strong legacy as a man and as a father. It includes two examples of legacy dads, along with some questions to ask yourself about the legacy you’re creating with your family. You can check out the other posts in NCF’s Resource Center. They include tons of Research and information on Trends in Fathering, The Extent of Fatherlessness, The Consequences of Fatherlessness, and describe the Effects of FatherFULLness. Feel free to share my GodBuddy posts with anyone who might find them interesting. You can also subscribe to receive an email at every new post.

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Rich’s Appearance on the Salt + Rock podcast

Now that I’m halfway through my year-long journey of lessons from The MANual, my NIV Bible for Men, it’s time to include occasional posts with other God Buddy-related topics. This post is about my guest appearance on the Salt + Rock podcast where I provide my perspective on Timothy’s mentee-mentor relationship with the Apostle Paul. Earlier this year, Blake Walker contacted me about my interest in being a guest on one of their podcasts. Blake and his buddy, Britain Rogers record a weekly podcast to help the average man navigate today’s world by learning how to be the salt of the earth and having a firm foundation with Christ as the Rock. The guys stumbled upon my blog independently while researching for their recent series on Paul, Barnabas, and Timothy. I’m both honored and humbled to be their first-ever guest. Check out the other Salt + Rock episodes at this

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