Category: Wisdom for Men

Is Ken a “Hollow” Man?

Occasionally, I say or write something about a sensitive subject that opens me up to criticism and comments from those who do not agree with me. One instance was after my 2019 post, Accountable to Act like Men about a controversial commercial by Gillette. Another came from Balancing Our Masculine and Feminine Sides. I also stated that your wife should NOT be your best friend in an interview on the Men in the Arena podcast. But as they say, if you don’t want to be criticized, don’t do (or say) anything! However, that approach is passive, which is what I believe ails many guys today. So since passivity is not in my make-up (pun intended!), I’ll stick my neck out once again. Among the films on the recent Academy Award nominations is the year’s biggest-grossing movie, “Barbie.” Many people were upset that the Academy snubbed Greta Gerwig for Best Director

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Don’t Boo or Criticize People

Recently, the NBA’s Chicago Bulls organization created a Ring of Honor to celebrate the changemakers, champions, and icons of their history. Sadly, during the halftime ceremony, some fans booed the announcement of former General Manager, Jerry Krause as part of the inaugural class. Krause’s widow Thelma, seated courtside alongside other honorees, broke down crying in embarrassment. Fortunately, former player, Ron Harper stood up to quickly console her. Ex-Bull and current Golden State Warriors coach, Steve Kerr said the booing was shameful. Bulls television color man, Stacy King scolded the fans who booed. Daily Herald writer, Steve Sarley wrote that people wouldn’t boo the Jerry Krause he knew. Each properly stood up for the legacy of a man and his widow.  Unfortunately, some people feel that buying a ticket to a sporting event, play, or movie, entitles them to do just anything within the law. Sure, they have the right to

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Good Men Fight Against Injustice

This post on Martin Luther King Day begins a new chapter of my GodBuddies blog. After writing extensively for several years about how better friendships create better men (see my last post, Reflections on 5 Years of GodBuddies), it’s time to change the format a bit. I’m not changing the main focus of this blog. Someone suggested that I provide more “quick hits” of wisdom that relate to becoming better men. More godly men. So enjoy this new shorter format. Please continue to add your comments to each post to keep the conversation going. You can also provide me suggestions on specific topics as you see fit.  As we celebrate Martin Luther King Day here in the U.S., this featured image showed up in my Facebook feed. Dr. King reminds us to fight against injustices everywhere. Now more than ever, we need mature men who stand against racism, privilege, hatred,

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Don’t Boo or Criticize People

Recently, the NBA’s Chicago Bulls organization created a Ring of Honor to celebrate the changemakers, champions, and icons of their history. Sadly, during the halftime

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