Continual Progress Shows Maturity
Earlier this month, I suggested we must learn how to celebrate diversity every day, not just during Black History Month. Likewise, the above quote from the Greek philosopher, Epictetus encourages us to become devoted every day to making continual progress. For example, progress in learning how to engage in conversations and disagreements with grace and understanding, especially about sensitive topics such as racism, gender issues, politics, and yes, even our sports teams! Epictetus (c. 50 – 135 AD) taught Stoicism, a philosophy about developing self-control as a means of overcoming destructive emotions. Born into slavery in what is present-day western Turkey, he taught that external events are beyond our control and that we should accept whatever happens calmly and dispassionately. This philosophy doesn’t mean capitulating or surrendering your values and beliefs. It doesn’t mean becoming passive because we have no control over our lives. Conversely, it means we have a