Better Manhood Skills: Time Management
This series about creating a roadmap for better manhood now moves to another critical skill for men: time management. While not inherently gender-specific, good time management helps men be better men. It makes them more productive, reduces their stress, and helps them achieve their goals in life. It also helps them manage their idle time, avoid the many distractions that can derail them, and keep their priorities straight. “It is better to build strong boys than fix broken men.” -American social reformer, abolitionist, orator, writer, and statesman, Frederick Douglass (1818-1985) This insight from Frederick Douglass is prophetic. Today, there are too many immature boys who became broken, bored, and distracted men. With too much idle time on their hands and missing the skills to manage their life, they lack the maturity to be good and proper men who lead productive and satisfying lives. However, when we turn young males