Category: Roadmap to Better Manhood

Better Manhood Skills: Organizing Your Belongings

My current series on creating a roadmap for better manhood continues with another skill every young male needs to become a mature man: organizing his belongings. While being organized is an important skill for both males and females, it’s a skill that’s especially important for young males since it’s part of being a responsible adult. In this post, I provide some ways to become better organized.   Start by Making Your Bed! One of the most effective ways to change your life and become a better man comes from this inspirational graduation speech by Admiral William H. McRaven. Starting the day by making your bed helps develop a personal discipline that applies to all aspects of life. A few years ago, I also wrote a post titled Learning to “Take Care of Your Sh*t” that included a link to a post with 100 Skills Every Man Should Know. That post

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Better Manhood Skills: Education and Employment 

Today, it’s not just young adults from economically disadvantaged and minority backgrounds who are challenged in their education and employment. Even adult men need continual learning and strong vocational skills to stay relevant and thrive during tough economic times. In fact, every male, young and old, needs good education and strong vocational skills to help them achieve their full potential as a mature man. Throughout this series on creating a roadmap for better manhood, I have suggested that we need to change the optics of today’s manhood since some people suggest men have “gone off the road.” There are too many immature males who misuse their masculinity. This may be a result of poor performance in school. It may be that a lack of education leads to fewer opportunities for a good career needed for personal and family stability. So why do men put so little emphasis on education and

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Better Manhood Skills: Navigation, Transportation and Travel

Changing the optics of today’s manhood begins by acknowledging a change is needed. Sadly, our culture, the media, and many sociologists continue to shout that men have “gone off the road” by misusing their masculinity. That viewpoint is just wrong. Most men I know are mature men who understand how to use their masculine traits properly. But there are some guys who still act like immature boys so the “off the road” analogy can apply to the next skill needed to become a better man. As you will read, Navigation, Transportation, and Travel skills help men stay “on the road”, both literally and metaphorically. These skills provide men with greater independence, mobility, and control over their daily activities.  They also help them stay “on the road” of proper masculinity so they show up effectively as a mature man.  The Importance of a Road of Manhood  As I wrote in Time

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