The Crisis of Fatherlessness
My last two posts described how Many Boys and Men are Struggling educationally, economically, and socially but that Men are Not (Solely) to Blame for leading in the “deaths of despair” from suicide, and drug or alcohol abuse. In those posts, I suggested that men who act immaturely are somewhat to blame. However, we also need similar programs and policies that help the needs and rights of females. This post is about addressing fatherlessness, which is one of the many reasons that many males are failing in America. The Decline of Fatherhood According to the organization, Fathermatters, America is rapidly becoming an absentee father society. The importance and influence of fathers in families has been in significant decline since the Industrial Revolution. David Popenoe, a professor of sociology at Rutgers University believes “If present trends continue, the percentage of American children living apart from their biological fathers will reach 50%