Category: Friendships

Better Manhood: The Secrets to Becoming a Godly Man

My opening post for this year, Time for a Change described some changes to my posts this year to expand the discussion about a man’s need for better friendships. But I also want to help change the definition and optics of what it means to be a “real” man. Regardless of your opinions or beliefs, most people agree we need more good men in this world today. As you know from reading this blog, I believe men are best when they have deeper, more authentic friendships. Better men understand proper manhood and know how to use our masculine traits for good. I also believe better men understand the secrets to becoming a real (godly) man. At this point, you’re probably wondering, “Why do we need better men?” and “What does it mean to become a more godly man?” The answers to these questions will come throughout this next series titled,

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Reflections on the Value of Friendships: Year 4 of GodBuddies

As has been my practice the last few years, I write a post that reflects on and summarizes my writing for the year for this GodBuddies blog (these links take you to Reflections on Year 1 of GodBuddies, the “Upside-Down” Year 2, and My Journey through The MANual: Year 3). This year’s reflection is about my series, New Year; New Types of Friends, in which I suggest men should reflect on and evaluate the value of their friendships. Evaluate not just for the value of friends to your life, but also for the value you add to theirs.   My plan was to write posts that describe the many aspects of friendships and provide real-life examples of friends who helped each other through thick and thin. I also wanted to address the question I get most often, “What is the difference between being a good friend and being a GodBuddy?” 

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My GodBuddy Friendship Formula

My last post, The Highest Type of Friendship is Spiritual states that the highest type of friendship includes a spiritual component that differentiates between good friends and GodBuddies. This next-to-last post of the series, New Year; New Types of Friends describes my formula for making GodBuddies, who become the deeper, more authentic friendships that every man needs in their life. This formula helps guys become better men who help influence and improve the world.  In today’s world of social isolation, “toxic” masculinity, and –quite frankly, improper behavior by many many men who still act like boys, we can greatly reduce the amount of sexual abuse and rape, mass shootings, dysfunctional families, misogynistic beliefs, and soaring crime rates. My belief is that men who understand proper manhood will help boys become better men.  How Men Make Friends As my wife and I were having children, I read a lot about raising

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My GodBuddy Friendship Formula

My last post, The Highest Type of Friendship is Spiritual states that the highest type of friendship includes a spiritual component that differentiates between good

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