Category: Friendships

The Physiology of Friendship

The physiology – the physical aspects of friendships, is the next topic in this series on man friends.  This post covers the benefits of physical activity with a friend, but also how testosterone affects men, which can add risks to his relationships. Upcoming posts will cover how friendships change throughout our lifespan, followed by several posts with examples of good friends in sports, literature, and entertainment. My hope is that this entire series helps you see why friendships are so important to men but also why a GodBuddy is the most preferred type of friendship.  The Physical Aspects of Friendship My last post, The Psychology of Friendship, stated psychology studies the mind, whereas similarly-spelled physiology studies the body. Of course, there is a crossover between these two words since our mind controls our body’s actions.  Neurochemistry, the molecular, cellular, and biochemical aspects of the brain and nervous system play an important role

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The Psychology of Friendship

At the start of this series, I suggested the new year was a good time to re-evaluate your friendships for their value. This next post, the psychology of friendship –and the previous posts recapped below, can help you understand some of the barriers that men face in making friendships. These recent posts also set the tone for upcoming ones with examples of good friends in sports, literature, and entertainment. My hope is this series helps you see why friendships are important –especially for men, but also why GodBuddy friendships are the most-preferable type.  Series to-Date Let’s briefly recap where we are so far in the series.  The initial post titled New Year; New Types of Friends stated many people start the year resolving to change their bad habits or develop better ones. One I suggest is evaluating your relationship with family and friends. I described four types of friendships most people

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The History of Friendship

This current series started with my initial post, New Year; New Types of Friends that suggests the turn of a calendar page is a great time to re-evaluate your friendships. To help you through that evaluation process, I now describe some history of friendships, some of which may even surprise you.  My hope is that this series will help you understand and overcome some of the barriers men have in making friendships. Later in this series, I’ll provide some examples of good friends in sports, literature, and entertainment. I’ll also wrap up the series with why good friends may not be beneficial —and why you need some GodBuddies to help you become a better man.  Ancient Theory of Friendships  My previous post on The Philosophy of Friendship explained that Aristotle distinguished three types of friendship in his Nicomachean Ethics: a friendship for utility, a friendship for non-sexual mutual pleasure, and a

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The Physiology of Friendship

The physiology – the physical aspects of friendships, is the next topic in this series on man friends.  This post covers the benefits of physical activity

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