The Physiology of Friendship
The physiology – the physical aspects of friendships, is the next topic in this series on man friends. This post covers the benefits of physical activity with a friend, but also how testosterone affects men, which can add risks to his relationships. Upcoming posts will cover how friendships change throughout our lifespan, followed by several posts with examples of good friends in sports, literature, and entertainment. My hope is that this entire series helps you see why friendships are so important to men but also why a GodBuddy is the most preferred type of friendship. The Physical Aspects of Friendship My last post, The Psychology of Friendship, stated psychology studies the mind, whereas similarly-spelled physiology studies the body. Of course, there is a crossover between these two words since our mind controls our body’s actions. Neurochemistry, the molecular, cellular, and biochemical aspects of the brain and nervous system play an important role