Traits of a GB Relationship: Loyalty and Dependability
My early posts in this series on the traits of a God Buddy relationship provide you with the foundation for a deeper friendship with another man. The two most recent posts about Nonjudgmental Acceptance and Unconditional Love, and the more-difficult companion of Confrontation, Confession, and Accountability were additional traits to help “sharpen” you both into more godly men. These next few traits will help your relationship flourish. It starts with Loyalty and Dependability which means being trustworthy and reliable. Today, many people say they are loyal or dependable but that’s not what they demonstrate in their life. Many people make wedding vows just to divorce within a few years. Some stop being BFFs (Best Friends Forever) just because the other person no longer has anything to offer them. Other friendships stop when it becomes too much of a one-way street. Those who claim to be really close friends, often ditch each