MANual Lessons from Joshua
Our lessons from The MANual continue in the early part of the Old Testament with the book of Joshua. After venturing through the first five books (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy), we now look at the events that follow the conquest of the Promised Land for more lessons on becoming godly men. The next several posts come from what some call the “History books of Israel.” These books are often out into two groups. The first, consisting of Joshua through Kings, is known as the Former Prophets. The pairs of 1 and 2 Samuel & 1 and 2 Kings were originally single books so Joshua, Judges, Ruth, Samuel, and Kings were once considered a mirror set to the first five books of Moses. The second group, Chronicles through Esther, is known as The Writings. I’ll cover all these over the next several posts. About the Book of Joshua The setting