MANual Lessons from Ezra
Our next lesson from The MANual comes from the book of Ezra. Most discussions about biblical heroes likely do not include Ezra, but probably should. He was a humble, obedient man who served God and taught about God’s faithfulness. About the Book of Ezra The ten chapters of Ezra in this NIV (New International Version) Bible are about how God can restore broken remnants. Similar to the lessons from the prophet Samuel, the lessons of Kings, and lessons from the Chronicler, Ezra is another of the historical books of the Old Testament that explains how God restored the Israelites whenever they kept His commandments. But the account of Ezra shows how one man can make a difference. The setting is around 538-450 B.C.; approximately 48 years after King Nebuchadnezzar destroyed Jerusalem and sent the Israelites to Babylon as captives. Nebuchadnezzar has died in 562 when King Cyrus of Persia overthrew