Men and Their Sleep
As someone who has never slept very well, an article in my local newspaper that most people are not getting enough quality sleep caught my eye. According to the article, a recent Gallup poll showed just 26% of Americans are getting 8 or more hours of sleep, the recommended amount for their health and mental well-being. Many Americans (just 53%) report getting 5-7 hours of sleep with just 20% getting only 5 hours a day. Other research shows women need more sleep than men. But I believe there is another factor, especially for men: our pride. Sadly, many guys boast about their lack of sleep and weather it as a badge of honor. Pride certainly was a factor for me during my struggle with workaholism. But swallowing my pride also sent me to our church’s men’s group, where I made deeper, more authentic friendships that developed into my GodBuddies concept.