Author: Rich Gorecki

Traits of a GB Relationship: Confidentiality

This series of posts about the unique Traits of a God Buddy relationship describes the characteristics that help men develop deeper friendships, which helps them become better men. The first trait of Finding Commonality leads to Developing Trust; the second trait. Paired with Trust is a characteristic that is absolutely necessary for a deep, meaningful GB relationship: Confidentiality. It probably goes without stating but I will anyway….one of the most basic rules of friendships of any kind is you must never break a friend’s confidences. Here are some definitions to consider: Confidentiality [ kŏn′fĭ-dĕn′shē-ăl′ĭ-tē]; Confidential [ kŏn′fĭ-dĕn′shē-ăl ]Noun: the state of keeping or being kept secret or private.Adjective: Spoken, written, acted on, etc., in strict privacy or secrecy; secret, a confidential remark Indicating confidence or intimacy; imparting private matters. Having another’s trust or confidence; entrusted with secrets or private affairs. In my previous post about Developing Trust, I indicated that during the early stages of a maturing friendship is when you should let your new friend know you are allowing them inside

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Traits of a GB Relationship: Developing Trust

This current series of posts about the Traits of a God Buddy Relationship describes the unique characteristics that can help men make and keep better friendships while also overcoming the barriers that make it difficult to share our emotions, feelings, and fears. The first post was about Finding Commonality. This next trait is about Developing Trust. Let’s start first with a definition of Trust. Trust [truhst]Noun: Reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence. Confident expectation of something; hope.Verb (used without object): To rely upon or place confidence in someone or something. To trust in another’s honesty; trusting to luck. –excerpts from Today, we live in a world where friendship is defined by the number of acquaintances and followers on our Facebook page or Instagram feed. While social networks can help us stay connected at some level, they’re hardly the building blocks of a close relationship. In my post Where Did All My Friends Go?, I suggested that we’re so stretched and overscheduled with work, classes,

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Traits of a GB Relationship: Finding Commonality

In my introductory post for the series on Traits of a GB Relationship, I stated men have a hard time making and keeping friendships in part due to the masks we hide behind. It also included a list of some barriers that keep us from sharing our emotions, feelings, and fears. I then provided some of the characteristics that I believe are unique to being a God Buddy that will help us become better men. The first of the traits –and one I did not include but do need to add is Finding Commonality. The definition of Commonality is “possession of common features or attributes“. For instance, one commonality between the two very different women is their passion for charity work. Two men may share their love for a particular baseball team. Finding a shared passion or pursuit is a great starting point for a friendship. Why is Commonality Important? A recent

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