Author: Rich Gorecki

Traits of a GB Relationship: Nonjudgmental Acceptance and Unconditional Love

As you read this series about the important traits of a God Buddy relationship, are you now feeling ready to develop a deeper friendship with another guy? Once you Find Commonality, Develop Trust, agree on Confidentiality, and demonstrate Vulnerability, Authenticity, and Transparency in your GB friendship you have the foundation. Then you Practice Good Listening and Showing Empathy which is then paired with the next set of traits: Non-judgmental Acceptance and Unconditional Love. By definition, “unconditional” simply means without conditions, without rules, without expectations. Easy to do, right? Consider this scenario Over the last few months, you’ve had conversations with a friend who is having an affair and planning for his new life but has not told his wife of almost seven years. Not only is this friend unaware of hurt awaiting his family, but he has repeatedly put you in a situation where he expects you to lie about his

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Traits of a GB Relationship: Practice Good Listening and Show Empathy

This series on the unique traits of a God Buddy relationship provides practical ways to help us develop deeper friendships and become better men. My prior posts explained that Finding Commonality helps Develop Trust which leads to complete Confidentiality so you can demonstrate Vulnerability, Authenticity, and Transparency. The next trait is to Practice Good Listening and Show Empathy. First, let me ask you a personal question: Are you a good listener or a bad listener?  If you are honest, really honest, you are NOT a good listener.  Few of us are. Is This Your Story? Here is a scenario that may resonate with you.  Your wife often gets frustrated because you just don’t seem to care when she tries to have a conversation with you. As she walks into the living room to talk, your eyes stay glued to the TV set or computer or your phone.  As she talks,

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Traits of a GB Relationship: Demonstrating Vulnerability, Authenticity, and Transparency

This current series on the traits of a God Buddy relationship is describing the characteristics that help us develop deeper friendships to become better men. In prior posts, we learned that Finding Commonality leads to Developing Trust in emerging friendships. You then request complete Confidentiality to get to the next phase in your God Buddy relationship.  The next trait is Demonstrating Vulnerability, Authenticity, and Transparency, which means exposing your weaknesses and sins to someone in order to begin the process of emotional and spiritual healing. First, let’s separate the three words: Vulnerability, Authenticity, and Transparency to define what each actually means.  The Same but Different According to this post (written from a perspective for creative people but very applicable to maturing friendships), being vulnerable, authentic, and transparent helps you cultivate meaningful connections with other human beings. But what is the difference between each of these three traits? Vulnerability The word

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