Author: Rich Gorecki

Friends Help Each Other Find Balance  

This series about Becoming a Well-Balanced Man concludes with a post about how better friendships can help men learn proper balance which is critical to mature manhood. Earlier posts covered The Benefits of Becoming a Balanced Man and how steadiness and stability (synonyms for balance) in our emotional, mental, and physical health, our financial and social life, and spirituality can help us find peace, contentment, and purpose. This last post contains the practical ways that friendships that help create mature men who learn balance, rather than the immature and unbalanced “boys” we see too often in the world today.    Better Friends = Better Men My book Get Out of Your Man Cave: The Crisis of Male Friendships provides practical ways to develop closer, more genuine relationships that help us become better men. Written as part guidebook, part memoir, and part confessional, the book comes out of my struggle with workaholism

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The Spiritually-Balanced Man

My current series about Becoming a Well-Balanced Man now moves to the spiritual side which encompasses beliefs, self-awareness & reflection practices, ethics & morality, and connecting with something larger than yourself. I believe men need spiritual balance because it shows that you think beyond yourself and understand how to love and serve others. It also shows humility, which is an important mark of becoming a mature adult. Earlier posts in the series described The Benefits of Becoming a Balanced Man which helps boost a man’s confidence and build self-esteem. Finding steadiness in his emotional, mental, and physical health, along with stability in his financial and social life, creates balance, fosters adaptability, and develops resilience to the challenges of life. Finding proper balance in these areas is often the difference between guys who act like a 45-year-old “boy” and those who are responsible adult men. About Spiritual Balance Achieving spiritual balance

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The Socially-Balanced Man

This series about Becoming a Well-Balanced Man describes why being stable and steady in several aspects of life is critical for men. I’ve explained The Benefits of Becoming a Balanced Man which includes increased his satisfaction, happiness, and fulfillment with life. In The Emotionally-Balanced Man and The Mentally-Balanced Man, I wrote about the difference between emotional and mental health since stability in both areas helps us avoid reacting negatively in most situations. In The Physically-Balanced Man, I described the importance of having a well-rounded exercise program, good nutrition, rest & relaxation, and managing your overall wellness. The post about The Financially-Balanced Man described ways to support your adult lifestyle without undue worry or stress. Financial stability also provides security to pursue your long-term aspirations. This next post describes why men need a healthy and balanced social life on their way to becoming the best version of a mature adult man.   Lonely

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The Spiritually-Balanced Man

My current series about Becoming a Well-Balanced Man now moves to the spiritual side which encompasses beliefs, self-awareness & reflection practices, ethics & morality, and

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The Socially-Balanced Man

This series about Becoming a Well-Balanced Man describes why being stable and steady in several aspects of life is critical for men. I’ve explained The

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