Men are Not (Solely) to Blame
In my last post, Many Boys and Men are Struggling, I explained how many males in America are falling behind girls and women educationally, economically, and socially. Sadly though, males lead in the “deaths of despair” from suicide, drug and alcohol abuse, and real-wage decline. Despite what many in the media and culture want us to believe, too many males of all ages are failing. In this post, I suggest ways to change the narrative about who to blame and how to reverse the negative trends affecting boys and men. As I’ve stated throughout these recent posts, equal concern for men is not “Zero-Sum” thinking. We must start by changing the narrative. Not All Men are ”Toxic” Some suggest that being a man today is bad and that all masculinity is “toxic.” They attribute this viewpoint to societal pressures, cultural norms, traditional patriarchy, or the feminist movement. Many blame the