Author: Rich Gorecki

Great Friendships Require Trust and Confidentiality

This quote from Scottish author, poet, minister, and pioneer of modern fantasy literature, George MacDonald (1824-1905) reminds us about an important aspect of all relationships: trust. In many ways, trust is key to any meaningful or serious relationship — whether it’s in marriage, a close friendship, or even a professional connection. Trust binds people together and strengthens relationships. I’ve written that Developing Trust is one of the most important Traits of a GodBuddy Relationship. You can build it quickly and lose it even quicker without confidentiality, which is one of the main reasons Why Friendships End.  Tom Eisenman, author of The Accountable Man: Pursuing Integrity Through Trust and Friendship writes that male friendships need absolute confidentiality. His rule is that you will share nothing outside the relationship unless you have permission. Even the smallest things that seem of no consequence, are held in strict confidence. Once someone violates this rule,

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Missing My GodBuddy

Today is the 10th anniversary of the unexpected passing of one of my earliest GodBuddies, Christopher J. Davolos, who died on April 1, 2014, after exercising during his lunch break at work. Chris’ influence on me and his friendship embodied the GodBuddy concept, which is why my website is dedicated to Chris. I honor his wife, Kathy, and their children, Maggie and Ben with this repost knowing a different piece is still missing for each of us without Chris around. The Friendships Every Guy Needs In Three Relationships Every Man Needs, I suggested every man needs a Paul (mentor), a Barnabas (peer), and a Timothy (protege) in their life. Barnabas and Paul became close friends as they traveled together on the first of Paul’s three missionary journeys. Nicknamed “Son of Encouragement” and “Son of Exhortation” (see Acts 4:36) Barnabas was at Paul’s side during his best times and also his

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Rich’s C21 Magazine Article

I’m excited to hit a new milestone in my emerging writing career. I probably should have posted earlier that my article about the friendship between President Ronald Reagan and Tip O’Neil appeared in C21 Resources, a magazine from Boston College. It’s a humbling accomplishment to get published by this prestigious university. Last summer, C21’s managing editor contacted me to get permission to use my article, Ronald Reagan and Tip O’Neil: A Real Life Friendship. The article described how Reagan and O’Neill, the Speaker of the House of Representatives from 1977-1987 and alumnus of Boston College, were on different ends of the political spectrum but could work together for the common good. The editor wanted to use the article for an upcoming issue about how the light of our faith can guide us away from the darkness of polarization in our world. The article appeared in the digital edition and printed

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Missing My GodBuddy

Today is the 10th anniversary of the unexpected passing of one of my earliest GodBuddies, Christopher J. Davolos, who died on April 1, 2014, after

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