Men Need “Guy Time”
This past weekend, I participated in another Spring Get-Away with guys from the men’s group at our church. This tradition began in 1992 when one member invited a few guys up to his cabin on a lake to help install his boat dock before Memorial Day. Ever since, many of us eagerly anticipate our annual trek to the Northwoods of Wisconsin for a long weekend of fishing, golfing, relaxing, and just hanging out with good friends. We cherish this “guy time” for the way it enriches our lives. In a previous post, Men Need Get-Aways and Retreats, I emphasized the importance for men to take time away to recharge and build relationships. I also noted the distinction between a healthy getaway or retreat and isolating oneself. The former nourishes the soul. The latter does not. As stress, depression, and anxiety dramatically increases in today’s world, Loneliness has become a huge