What Exactly is a GodBuddy Relationship?
Over the years, I’ve developed some very close friendships with guys that came from spending time together in casual conversation, doing recreation, and just good old-fashioned hanging out. These are guys with whom I have a lot in common and we often share the same set of values. They are good friends, sometimes very good friends. However, a “GodBuddy” friendship is like no other. How is God Buddy Different? In two of my opening posts here and here, I outlined a man’s need for some GodBuddies. These GodBuddy relationships (your “GBs” as I call them) are authentic, deep, and genuine friendships instead of shallow acquaintances that so many people have these days. Your GB is similar to a close friendship but it connects you both on a “soul level”. It’s a very authentic, non-judgmental friendship, and accountable to a higher set of standards: God’s standards. It’s a friendship that evolves