Author: Rich Gorecki

Finding Your First GodBuddy

“Friendship … is born at the moment when one man says to another “What! You too? I thought that no one but myself . . .” ― C.S. Lewis, The Four Loves Generally, men are pretty bad at making friends—at least with other guys. So how do we find that “right guy” to be our first God Buddy? This is an important, yet scary step for most of us. As I explained in my earlier post, Where Did All My Friends Go?, as men get older, we often have fewer and fewer close male friendships. Yet, men crave intimacy in our friendships just as much as women. Intimacy for men is not the same as it for our female counterparts. Its a closeness that men that develop from having a tight bond formed when you realize “You too?!”. But how do you start? Find Commonality Friendship usually starts during a

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Three Relationships Every Man Needs

Last week’s guest post from my original God Buddy, Bill Johnson revealed how our relationship came into being. While Bill was my first “GB” who helped me shape the God Buddy concept, his role has been also been one of a mentor, which is one of three essential relationships that every man needs in his life. In my previous post that describes Jesus’ Model for Friendships, I explained that Christ had three close friends as part of His inner-circle. Another model found in the Book of Acts suggests three types of relationships, each serving a different purpose for our life. Based on the example of the Apostle Paul, the model suggests our inner circle should include a Timothy, a Barnabas, and also a Paul in our life. Another way of explaining it is everyone needs an apprentice (Timothy), an associate (Barnabas), and a mentor (Paul). This model has a pretty simple meaning,

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GodBuddies: your “Third Place”

Generally, men are pretty bad at making friends—especially with other guys. Its an important, yet scary step to find that “right guy” to be your first God Buddy. So where do you start? A good place might be your “Third Place”. If its the right place! According to a post titled, What Is a Third Place and Why Do You Need One?, one thing missing from the lives of most modern American men is a “Third Place.” The post’s author, Johnny Dzubak suggests it is important — even essential, for a man to have a Third Place in his life to socialize somewhere other than his home or work. So first, let’s define a Third Place and why is is important. What is a “Third Place”? Sociologist Ray Oldenberg first pioneered the concept of a Third Place in his 1989 book, The Great Good Place. Oldenberg explains that it is

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