This page lists all posts chronologically by year since the beginning of my blog. You can click on the post to open a new tab for easy reading and returning to the list.

My GodBuddies Book is Ready!


MANual Lessons from the Gospel of Luke


A Peek Inside My GodBuddies Book


MANual Lessons in the Gospel of John


Thank You! (Get a Signed Copy)


MANual Lessons: The Acts of The Apostles


My Presentation to NCMM


MANual Lessons: The Book of Romans


The Friend Who Never Left


MANual Lessons: Paul’s Letters to the Corinthians


Hey Dads: Emulate the Traits of God, The Father


MANual Lessons: Paul’s “Harsh” Letter to the Galatians


Don’t be a Poser!


MANual Lessons: Paul’s Unity Letter to the Church in Ephesus


Men, Do You Submit to Your Wife?


MANual Lessons: Paul’s “Joyful” Letter to the Philippians


MANual Lessons: Paul’s Letter to the Colossians


Do you want authentic friendships?


MANual Lessons: Paul’s Letters to the Church in Thessalonica


MANual Lessons: Paul’s Pastoral Letters to His Mentees


MANual Lessons: Paul’s Private Letter to Philemon


MANual Lessons: The Letter to Hebrew Christians


MANual Lessons: A Letter from James, the Half-Brother of Jesus


Rich’s interview on the Men in the Arena podcast


MANual Lessons from the “Rock” to the Early Church


MANual Lessons: John’s Letters of Love


MANual Lessons: Hey Jude! Don’t Be Afraid (of speaking against heresy)


MANual Lessons: John’s Revelation of the New Kingdom


Reflections on My Journey through The MANual: Year 3 of GodBuddies


New Year; New Types of Friends


The Philosophy of Friendship


The History of Friendship


The Psychology of Friendship


The Physiology of Friendship


The Friendships Throughout a Man’s Life


How Much Time Do Men Need to Become Friends?


Examples of Real-life Friendships: Introduction 


Ronald Reagan and Tip O’Neill: A Real-life Friendship


The Selfless Friendship of Winston Churchill


The Close, Intimate Friendship of Abraham Lincoln and Joshua Speed


Frenemies of the State: Our Founding Fathers


Alexander Hamilton’s Challenging Friendships


The Unlikely Friendship of Jesse Owens and Luz Long


Arnie’s Army of Friends


The Paradoxical Friendship of Joe Louis and Max Schmeling


Magic and Bird: Opposing Personalities but a Great Friendship


A Grand Slam Friendship in Tennis


Friendships in Entertainment


The Buddy Chemistry of Butch and Sundance


A Friendship Sure to Make You Cry
