This page lists all posts chronologically by year since the beginning of my blog. You can click on the post to open a new tab for easy reading and returning to the list.

Join Me for Men’s Mental Health Month


Why Men’s Health Month is Important


A Movember Goal: Reducing Suicide Rates Among Men


Men’s Health Month: Men and Cancer


Men’s Health Month: Prostate Cancer


The Young Man’s Concern: Testicular Cancer


Men and Addictions


The Chains of Addictive Behaviors


Reflections on an “Upside-Down” Year 2 of GodBuddies


The MANual to Downshift and Refocus


MANual Lessons from Genesis


MANual Lessons from Exodus


Intentional Conversations with Mike Sandlin


MANual Lessons from Leviticus


MANual Lessons from Numbers


MANual Lessons from Deuteronomy


MANual Lessons from Joshua


MANual Lessons from Judges


MANual Lessons from Ruth


MANual Lessons from the Prophet, Samuel


MANual Lessons from the Books of Kings


MANual Lessons from the Chronicler


MANual Lessons from Ezra


MANual Lessons from Nehemiah


MANual Lessons from Esther


MANual Lessons from Job


MANual Lessons from Psalms: Introduction


MANual Lessons from Psalms (Books 1 & 2)


MANual Lessons from Psalms (Books 3, 4 & 5)


MANual Lessons in Proverbs


MANual Lessons from Ecclesiastes


MANual Lessons from Songs of Songs


MANual Lessons from The Prophets: Introduction


MANual Lessons from The Major Prophet, Isaiah


MANual Lessons from Two Books of The Prophet, Jeremiah


MANual Lessons from Ezekiel and Daniel


Rich’s Appearance on the Salt + Rock podcast


MANual Lessons: An Introduction to The Minor Prophets


Be Intentional About Your Legacy


MANual Lessons from the First Six Minor Prophets


Play Offense (not just defense) against Sexual Temptation


MANual Lessons from the Other Six Minor Prophets


Confession is the Manliest Thing You Can Do


Between the Old and New Testaments


It’s Time to Examine Your Life


MANual Lessons: Introduction to The Gospels


Numbering Our Days is Not YOLO


MANual Lessons in Matthew


The Truth Be Told About Our Lies


MANual Lessons from Mark
