GBs in The Bible: Paul and Barnabas
In my introduction to this series about GBs in The Bible, I suggested that Scripture provides some great examples of God Buddies (“GBs” for short). Each of the next posts in this series will explain the biblical foundation and Christ-like characteristics that helped transform one or more of the people in the story as they were used for God’s bigger purposes. I begin with more about the Apostle Paul and his companion, Barnabas who you initially learned about in my post, Three Relationships Every Man Needs. A Peer Turned Mentor The story of Paul and Barnabas demonstrates two important aspects of God Buddy relationships: doing life together with a peer, and having a mentor to help guide and teach you about what it means to be a godly man (or women, since females should also have a mentor). You may recall Paul and Barnabas traveled together to the island of