GBs in The Bible: Ruth and Naomi
As I move further into this series of posts about GBs in The Bible, it’s time to give an example of female counterparts since being a God Buddy is not just something for men. There are plenty of women in Scripture who had Christ-like characteristics and were transformed for God’s bigger purposes; none better than this week’s example of Ruth and her mother-in-law, Naomi. Relationship with an In-Law The story of Ruth and Naomi is an unlikely friendship. We have all heard the all-too-common jokes made about in-laws—particularly a mother-in-law? And how many of us have ever found a best friend in our mother- or father-in-law? (Spoiler alert: There is a future post coming on Moses and his father-in-law Jethro). This relationship shows that God Buddyesses (is that even such a word?!) can be devoted and protective of the legacy of their companion, regardless of their age difference and family